The Best Christian Parenting Books for Dads (and Moms)

Person reading a bible

One of the best Christian parenting books for dads and moms has got to be The Christian Parenting Handbook 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All Stages of Your Child’s Life by Scott Turansky. It offers 50 short chapters of practical ways to deal with all aspects of raising children. You’ll also learn how to keep sight of your Christian principles while raising your children in a grace based way.

Raising children using Christian principles can be very challenging in an ever changing world. One of the ways to stay focused on your faith is by reading literature. Finding Christian parenting books that can teach you to apply God’s word to your daily life is essential in maintaining your focus.

I’ll cover five different books available and how each one can add to your parenting style. It will help you find the best Christian parenting book to guide you along your parenting journey.

My Top Picks

How to find the Best Christian Parenting Books for a Christian Home

Finding and buying a Christian parenting book isn’t always as easy as you might think. There are many options and opinions to research and weigh up before you make your short list. It’s also crucial to ensure the choices you shortlist are in accordance with your own interpretations.

To help you along this process I’ve compiled this short buyer’s guide.

What the Bible Says About Parenting: Wisdom for Every Parent

The Bible has many teachings referring to the way children should be raised. In a nutshell though, the biblical role of a parent is to be a custodian and caretaker to the child or children God has placed in your care.

A parent has the primary responsibility to care for and nurture the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of these children. In addition to this, it’s the duty of both parents to educate the children about the word of God as well as how to apply these teachings to their daily lives.

Parents should also use these teachings when it comes to the decisions that need to be made when it comes to raising children. One of the most well known teachings is as follows.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Whether you follow the teachings of the Old or New Testament, the teachings are the same: provide for their physical needs and maintain a constant teaching of life skills based on Christ’s teachings.

How Christian Parenting Books Can Help You as a Parent

In a world where there are so many different opinions on raising children, it can be difficult to decipher them all. As a Christian, you already have the basic guidelines you want to use to raise your children.

Christian parenting books will guide you in the process of defining and explaining your faith to children. They’ll also help you define the relevance in our modern world. In essence, these books are just a reinforcement to what you’ve already studied in the Bible. They’re a modern analysis that teaches you how to turn your faith into a guideline creating healthy and productive lifestyles.

How to Choose the Best Christian Parenting Books for You

Most Christian parenting books embrace a parenting style referred to as Grace based parenting. It’s the interpretation of the Bible’s teachings into a modern world.

If you’re raising teenagers, you’ll be interested in “Age of Opportunity A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens.” For guidance with smaller children, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” would be more suited.

Best Overall — The Christian Parenting Handbook 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All Stages of Your Child’s Life

Author Scott Turansky provides parents with a practical approach to implementing Biblical principles. The book is divided into 50 short chapters and each one teaches different ways to instruct and correct behaviour. He also teaches practical ways to deal with conflict and all the emotional ups and downs parents face.

Who It’s For

Ideally suited to parents looking for a hands-on approach to parenting children in a Grace based manner.

Why You Should Consider It

This book focuses on building internal motivation. It also encourages you to raise solvers and not whiners. With these teachings you will teach your children how to address problems with their own character traits.

Product Information

  • ISBN: 10: 9781400205196
  • Edition: April 29 2013
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Type: Suitable for children of all ages

Best Read — Shepherding a Child’s Heart

Often Biblical books talk about the principals but not the practical steps to achieve them. This book however, offers the right amount of perspective with practical steps to make it work.The author knows children and he knows parenting. He also knows the Word of God. This allows him to teach you what your goals about raising your children should be and how to implement those steps in your daily life. As the title suggests, it’s not just about forcing children in a direction, but rather guiding them to the right path.

Who It’s For

This book offers genuine Biblical guidance for parents looking for ways to incorporate Christian teachings into their daily lives.

Why You Should Consider It

This book is ideal for both fathers and mothers who’re looking not only for guidance but practical steps to incorporate in actual real life situations.

Product Information

  • ISBN:10: 0966378601
  • Edition: January 1 1995
  • Publisher: Shepherd Press
  • Type: All age groups of children and all parents

Best Value — Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

By applying the 14 gospel principles outlined in this book, you’ll be following the principles of Christian parenting. This book offers a guideline of what God wants from parents. It offers guidelines for raising children of all ages.

Who It’s For

This inspirational book is a good read for parents who need a reminder they’re on the right path.

Why You Should Consider It

This book is suited to parents with children of all ages. Parents who often feel discouraged should read this book.

Product Information

  • ISBN: 10: 1433551934
  • Edition: 1st Edition September 30 2016
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Type: All ages

Best Book for New Parents — Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus

This book teaches Christian parents to change their approach to raising children. Rather than arming themselves with threats and manipulation, the author suggests parents try a different approach. The different approach includes teachings of training, praying and daily conversations with Jesus.

Who It’s For

Ideal for parents at the beginning of their parenting journey.

Why You Should Consider It

This book is not just a list of things to do with your children but also provides training in the gospel. The author shows readers how to apply the teachings in the relationships with their children.

Product Information

  • ISBN: 10 : 9781433520099
  • Edition: May 4 2011
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Type: All ages

Best Guide for Raising Teens — Age of Opportunity A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens

As any parent of an adolescent will tell you, the teenage years can be very frustrating. Paul Tripp offers parents a practical guide to deal with teenagers in a whole different way. By replacing anger and shouting with humility and compassion, the game changes.

Who It’s For

This book is ideal for parents heading into the teenage years or already have children in that dreaded age group.

Why You Should Consider It

Paul Tripp shows parents how to change the way communication takes place and to focus on growing teens rather than just dealing with them.

Product Information

  • ISBN: 10: 0875526055
  • Edition: 2nd Edition June 1 2001
  • Publisher: P&R Publishing
  • Type: Parents of teenagers


Can a Christian parenting book help me deal with my teenager’s issues?

Raising teenaers can be tough. A book I recommend is Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens. It’s a practical guide to replacing anger and emotion with positive spiritual guidance. It helps you open the channels of communication with your teen.

What’s the best way to raise my children in a Christian manner?

Firstly, start from an early age. Lead by example. Expose your children to a variety of Christian literature.Read Christian parenting books that’ll give you guidance on dealing with everyday situations.

A Final Word

I hope this review will help you choose the best Christian parenting books for your parenting journey. The Christian Parenting Handbook 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All Stages of Your Child’s Life by Scott Turansky is my best overall choice. It incorporates every step of raising children and provides practical Christian guidelines for daily life. It will definitely give you the guidance you need to be a Grace based parent!

Another great book is by Brett Ullman, Parenting: Navigating Everything which I had a chance to check out. It’s definitely worth a read. I liked especially the chapter on the huge number of parenting styles.

Last update on 2025-01-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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