50 Co-Parenting Quotes to Inspire You to Be a Better Co-Parent

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If you’ve recently gone through a divorce or a separation from your partner, you’ll undoubtedly be considering the co-parenting option. Since it’s a messy process, you want to cheer up sometimes – here are my co-parenting quotes that should make you feel positive, wise, or just simply smile. These will help you get through the tough days and remind you that you aren’t alone in your new situation.

Traditionally divorced or separated parents would embark on a sometimes lengthy and stressful custody battle. This ultimately ends with one parent having majority custody and the other parent having visitation time. Unless there are valid reasons against it, co-parenting is a better option for the sake of the children.

Co-Parenting: What Does it Really Mean

Co-parenting is often referred to as “joint parenting” or “shared parenting.” It refers to the experience of raising children after a divorce or separation occurs. Typically one partner moves away from the family and takes care of the child; overall, however they share the responsibility of raising children. Co-parenting is a custody agreement giving each parent an equal share in the parenting duties of the children.

If the arrangement takes place in a positive environment, co-parenting will result in healthier and happier children. With a co-parent arrangement, children get to spend quality time with both parents and are spared having to choose sides.

50 Co-Parenting Quotes

The important point to remember when you co-parent is this: you’re not alone. Many people are co-parenting and yes, it can be challenging at times. To help you get through the tough days, it might help you to have a few quotes from people who have experienced what you’re going through. Pick your favorites and use them as affirmations. Use the good ones to remind you that you’re not alone. Let’s look at some of the quotes I’ve picked out for you.

Funny Co-Parenting Quotes

Irrespective of your situation, you need to laugh. Laughter lets you know that eventually, you’ll be ok. Let’s look at a few humorous quotes about co-parenting:

  1. “The best, most mature co-parents will tell their therapist – and not their child – how much the other parent sucks.” – Hayley Gallagher
  2. “I never thought I’d ever laugh again until I saw your new girlfriend!” – Anonymous
  3. “Remember, as far as anyone knows, we’re a nice normal family.” -Anonymous
  4. “Don’t ever talk trash to a child about their other parent. After all, you found some good in them long enough to reproduce.” – Pinterest wall quote
  5. “I have no point in admitting when I’m wrong. Like that one time I was married.” – Pinterest wall quote
  6. “Think of it as an important business project: you don’t always love the person you’re working with, but you work together to get the project done. Co-parents need to adopt this same business model when co-parenting their children” – Kela Price
  7. “This is probably one of the most difficult challenges any parents could face – learning to love the other parent enough to make their children come first” – Iyanla Vanzant
  8. “I will never lose my sense of humor. It’s the only scientifically proven, non-pharmaceutical prescribed treatment for co-parenting and mean people” – Unknown
  9. “Co-parenting with a psychopath is a special kind of Hell!” – Unknown
  10. “The point is we can’t always get it right. And sometimes seeing the funny in life can really help” – Unknown
  11. “Parenthood – the scariest hood you’ll ever go through” – Unknown
  12. “Raising a kid is part joy and part guerrilla warfare” – Ed Asner
  13. “Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you” – Robert Fulghum

Positive Co-Parenting Quotes

Here are a few inspirational quotes to keep you going on the not-so-easy days:

  1. “Children need and deserve the love, care, and support of both parents.”- Pinterest
  2. “When you tell a child you hate their other parent, you are telling them you hate half of who they are.” – Unknown
  3. “A family is a small world where all differences can be settled if we learn to accept and compromise.”- India WordPress
  4. “Thumbs up for step-parents and parents who co-parent! Kids need to feel loved and safe in both homes.” – Unknown
  5. “In order to be in your kids’ memories tomorrow, you must be in their lives today.”- Barbara Johnson
  6. “Families are like branches on a tree. Though we grow in different directions, our roots will always remain together as one.” – Pinterest wall quote
  7. “It’s important for kids to have their own experiences with their other parent without biases.” – Pinterest wall quote
  8. “Co-parenting is not hard if you worry about the child and not the other parent’s business.” – Unknown
  9. “Make a positive difference in your children’s lives. Act and speak about your co-parent with respect and integrity.” – Allison Pescosolido
  10. “If you love your child more than you hate your ex, you can solve most co-parenting problems.” – Helen Ford
  11. “When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.” – L.R. Knost
  12. “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of the parents” – Jane. D. Hull
  13. “Effective parenting has nothing to do with pointing out our faults and everything to do with working out solutions” – L.R. Knost
  14. “Anyone can have a child and call themselves a parent. Real parents are those who put that child above their own selfish needs and wants” – Unknown
  15. “We are both totally committed to raising our son and being in love with our son. It’s a concept that’s fairly new, particularly in the psychology of raising a child in a divorce. And the idea is, it’s really not the child’s fault that you got divorced. It’s your fault, and therefore, it should not be the child’s problem to go back and forth between two different homes” – Josh Lucas
  16. “Co-parenting is not a competition. It’s a team effort to give your children the life they deserve” – Unknown
  17. “Family can extend beyond one household” – Unknown
  18. “Co-parenting can show how we can achieve happiness for all the parents and their children” – Love Quotes

Wise Co-Parenting Quotes

A few thoughtful co-parenting quotes include the following:

  1. “Co-parenting can be difficult but if the two parents continue to have open and honest communication. That builds trust which makes co-parenting easier for everyone.” – The Random vibez
  2. “Co-parenting is not a competition between two homes. It is a collaboration of parents who are doing what is best for the children.” – Heather Hetcher
  3. “Co-parenting is never about asking permission. It’s about discussing the needs and wants of your child and deciding what is best.” – Unknown
  4. “Your first obligation as a parent is not to bring chaos into the lives of your children.” – Jenny Setzer
  5. “Co-parenting will allow us to know about the shortcomings and troubles we can fix right now.” – Unknown
  6. “Co-parenting can make a positive difference in the lives of children. Speak about the co-parent with integrity and respect.” – Unknown
  7. “Keep in mind, there was probably a time when you loved your ex. And even if you can’t stand the sight of them now, your child never fell out of love with them.” – Unknown
  8. “Co-parenting is not a competition. It is a collaboration of two working together with the best interest of the child at heart.” – Unknown
  9. “It’s a collaboration of parents doing what is best for the child regardless of their situation or feelings for one another.” – Mediavine
  10. “The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other.” – Jane Blaustone
  11. “Make a positive difference in your children’s lives. Act and speak about your co-parent with respect and integrity.” – Allison Pescosolido
  12. “Co-parenting can let us know about the troubles and shortcomings that we can fix right now.” – Love Quotes
  13. “Parenting can let us witness a new universe where adjustments and flexibility are known.”- Unknown
  14. “Family is a world where we can settle any difference if we learn to compromise and accept.” – Unknown
  15. “The best obligation as a parent is to not bring chaos into your children’s lives” – Unknown
  16. “There’s not such thing as the perfect parent so just be the real one” – Sue Atkins
  17. “At the end of the day, you’ve got to be a little selfless. You have to say “It’s not about us. This didn’t work out quite how we wanted it to, but look at the amazing blessing that we have in these wonderful children”. So you kinda put everything else to the side and really focus” – Nick Cannon
  18. “We may not fix any mistakes from the past. But we can learn today and keep it in our minds” – Unknown
  19. “I don’t think the children want to see their parents suffer from the differences in themselves” – Unknown

Final Thoughts

While co-parenting may not be for everyone, I do hope you’ll consider it for the sake of your children’s emotional well-being. With that being said, I also hope my list of funny, positive, and wise quotes will give you the strength and humor to get through this situation. Remind yourself that everything will be alright!

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