Gerber Gentle vs Soothe vs Soothe Pro vs Enfamil Gentlease – Which One for Your Sensitive Baby?

Baby milk comparison

With so many different infant formula options on the market, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the right one. Some popular brands have similar ingredients which might make it even harder to choose. Gerber Gentle vs Soothe vs Soothe Pro vs Enfamil Gentlease – so many options!

Choosing the right formula is more of a trial and error experience than a definitive option. There’s no telling what allergies or responses your newborn will have to the formula you’ve selected. Choosing the wrong formula could result in your baby suffering from colic, reflux or even gas and constipation. This can lead to much unhappiness on both ends of the spectrum. As we all know, an unhappy baby equals unhappy parents. 

To make it simpler for you, I’ve researched the most popular brands as well as their counterparts. Simply read through this article and decide for yourself which of my top five picks would be most suited to your little one. With my focus being on keeping you stress-free and your baby-fed and happy, I’m also going to give some tips which will show you which ingredients to avoid when choosing the right formula.

My Top Picks

Gerber vs Enfamil – Which Brand Should I Pick?

When it comes to choosing infant formula for your little one, two of the most popular brand options to consider are Gerber and Enfamil. Both provide the basic nourishment and nutrients a growing infant needs. This makes them both a very good alternative to breast milk.

Gerber is more economical and doesn’t contain any genetically engineered ingredients. It contains iron and is also easier to digest. Enfamil on the other hand is great for soothing colicky babies. It’s also the formula that’s most recommended by pediatricians for infant growth.

Gerber Gentle vs Soothe vs Soothe Pro vs Enfamil Gentlease – A Quick Comparison

To get a better idea of what makes each of these formulas special, I’ve drawn up a comparative list.

  • Gerber Gentle: Gerber’s big draw card is the way in which they’ve made the formula. Gerber contains “comfort” proteins, which in essence are tiny and very easy to digest proteins. Along with prebiotics, this formula is very gentle on your baby’s tummy.
  • Gerber Soothe: Gerber Soothe contains a probiotic called L.reuteri. This probiotic reduces colic related crying by up to 50% and is excellent for your baby’s overall gut health.
  • Soothe Pro: This particular formula contains FL HMO which is a probiotic very similar to the ones found in natural breastmilk.
  • Enfamil: One of the most popular formula options are the various Enfamil products. The formula is made up of non-fat milk which makes digestion easy. It also contains 50% more DHA and AHA which enhances neural, brain and eye development.

Gerber Gentle vs Soothe

Gerber Gentle is generally a more standard formula while Soothe is aimed at babies with digestive issues or colic. Because Gerber Gentle has proteins that aren’t broken down it tastes very similar to milk. Gerber Soothe on the other hand has fine and smaller proteins making it easier to digest.

Gerber Soothe vs Soothe Pro

The Soothe range of formulas from Gerber targets babies with colic or digestive problems. Gerber Soothe is much easier to digest because of its tiny proteins. Soothe Pro on the other hand eases excessive gas with its carbohydrate blend made up of 30% lactose.

Gerber Soothe and Soothe Pro vs Enfamil Gentlease

Both the Soothe options from Gerber and the Gentlease options from Enfamil are designed to deal with fussy babies. If you’re looking for a formula to aid gut health and provide better digestion, the Gerber Soothe options are your best choices. The Enfamil Gentlease formula mimics breastmilk and the extra ingredients provide a better taste. 

Gerber Gentle vs Enfamil Gentlease – Is it the Same Product?

New parents often think the gentle formula of these two popular brands is pretty much the same thing. But, are they really?

Both options contain proteins that are already broken down meaning there will be less chance of tummy issues. However, the Gerber Gentle has a slightly better ingredient list with more useful additives.

Can I Mix Gerber Soothe and Enfamil Gentlease?

While some parents feel a little unsure about mixing different formula brands the truth is, it’s perfectly safe to mix and match different formula brands provided you follow the standard mixing instructions.

It’s perfectly normal for some baby’s to respond to a mixture of two brands offering the same relief. Since Gerber Soothe offers better digestion and Enfamil mimics breast milk, your little one will be getting the best of two options.

I’ve managed to narrow the four most popular infant formula choices down to the ones listed below. It needs to be said that these particular formulas are all aimed at alleviating digestive issues your baby might have.

With their particular enzymes and ingredients they’re also all designed to cure colicky issues. That should give you a bit of an advantage in the period it takes to assess the right formula for your little one. Let’s have a look at these formulas.

Best Overall – Gerber Good Start Gentle

This particular formula features Gerber’s renowned probiotic and comfort proteins. These particular proteins are small, nutritious, and very easy for baby tummies to digest. Known as the formula closest to breastmilk this product is the best way to fulfill early nutritional needs.

Not only does this formula support your baby’s digestion, the DHA it contains aids in healthy brain and eye development.


  • Relieves constipation
  • Good for brain development
  • Eliminates colic


  • Clumping issue
  • Packaging quality issues

Best Formula for Reflux – Gerber Good Start Soothe

The Soothe range of Gerber is specifically designed to alleviate colic, gas, fussiness and mild spit-up resulting in reflux. The formula also contains HMO – Human Milk Oligosaccharides – which means it’s modeled to match breast milk. HMO and probiotics aid digestive health and focus on developing a healthy immune system.

The Gerber Soothe range also contains L reuteri, a probiotic that has been proven to reduce crying in colicky babies by up to 50%.

Note that in 2019 Gerber renamed their Gentle to GentlePro and slightly changed the ingredients as I described in another article.


  • Contains comforting probiotics
  • Contains HMO as found in breast milk
  • Provides baby with comfort from gas


  • Powder doesn’t blend well
  • Can cause diarrhea on the first day

Best Formula for Colic – Gerber Good Start Soothe Pro

The Soothe Pro formula is made up of the famous easy-to-digest comfort proteins that are small enough to provide your little one’s tummy with all the comfort it needs. Like other Gerber products, it also contains the probiotic L.reuteri, well known for reducing crying due to colic and spit-ups. 

SoothePro also boasts DHA which supports healthy eye and brain development.

An added feature is the packaging which features a button latch which means the lid only opens when you need it to. A hook on the inside of the lid secures the scoop, keeping your formula constantly fresh.


  • Contains probiotics
  • Reduces crying time
  • Facilitates brain development


  • Can be costly
  • Scooper not compatible with all bottles, spilling occurs

Best Pediatrician’s Choice – Enfamil Gentlease Infant Formula

Enfamil formula is designed to easily ease symptoms related to colic, crying, gas and fussiness within 24 hours of the first feed. Based on extensive research, Enfamil provides all the nutrition needed by infants from birth to 12 months.

Enfamil is also the formula most commonly recommended by pediatricians because of the nutrients that provide brain support. No artificial flavors, sweeteners or colorants means your baby won’t be exposed to compounds causing milk allergies.

The formula is also rich in iron, omega 3 DHA and choline all of which serve to boost your little ones’ immune system.


  • Great for digestive issues
  • Eases digestive issues within 24 hours
  • Contains omega 3


  • Can be costly
  • Many users complained of damaged packaging in their reviews

What to Look for in Baby Formula

There are a plethora of different baby formulas on the market. It can be very perplexing to find the right formula. Especially since you don’t know upfront if your baby will have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients.

However, there are a few common guidelines that should make finding the right formula a little easier.

Some of these include:

  • Choose a formula that’s fortified with iron since this will prevent anemia.
  • Formulas that contain probiotics that provide babies with the bacteria needed to keep intestines healthy.
  • Soy milk options have less milk proteins that can cause allergies.
  • Any formulas with organic ingredients that will ensure your baby won’t be exposed to GMO or other chemical contaminants.
  • Whole foods are also a good option. This simply refers to carbohydrates, fats, and some protein which will aid growth and healthy development. 
  • For babies who have allergies to cow’s milk, goat milk is a healthy alternative.

My Baby has a Sensitive Stomach – What Ingredients to Look for or Avoid?

Food sensitivities or intolerances are very common in babies and small infants. Sometimes certain milk proteins found in baby formula can cause sensitivity or intolerance. Knowing which formulas and foods to look for or avoid will go a long way toward easing your babies’ discomfort as well as your frustration. 

Ingredients to avoid

Ingredients that have a tendency to cause discomfort include the following:

  • Grains containing gluten such as barley, rye, and wheat
  • Refined sugar
  • Eggs and other dairy products
  • Overly processed foods that contain artificial colourants and preservatives
  • Caffeine (which includes chocolates and colas)

Ingredients to look for

To eliminate conditions such as colic and constipation, consider formulas with the following ingredients:

  • Probiotics to ease gas and reflux
  • Lactose and sucrose-free
  • Organic and hypoallergenic

Don’t become too alarmed by the list of ingredients to avoid when selecting the right formula. Some foods and ingredients may cause sensitivities in the early days. By identifying these foods early on, you’ll ease your baby’s discomfort.

In most instances, your baby will outgrow these early allergies as his or her body adjusts to the various proteins and ingredients.

Which Formulas Work for Colic, Gas, Reflux and Constipation?

Dealing with baby issues such as colic, gas, reflux and constipation can be very overwhelming. It can be even more overwhelming if a few of those conditions overlap. It can leave parents feeling frustrated and even helpless.

As a new parent, you might not know or realize that the colicky feeling your baby is experiencing is a result of his or her formula. However, by simply changing your baby’s formula, you could reduce some of these unpleasant symptoms. Let’s have a look at which formula is best for each condition.

ConditionBest Formula Type
- The blanket term for excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby.
- Some infant experts believe colic is often the result of an allergy to cow’s milk proteins.
- Drinking this milk may cause your baby to have tummy ache which in turn sets off the continuous crying.
- It’s not a guarantee that any particular formula can eliminate the colic, some brands could actually alleviate some of the most severe tummy aches.
- Gerber Good Start SoothePro powder Infant Formula is a popular choice for babies who are battling with colic.
- Happens when air gets trapped in the digestive tract.
- This can happen when your baby sucks on a bottle and swallows air.
- While gas is a natural part of the baby's development, it can be uncomfortable.
- Enfamil Gentlease is the recommended choice for babies with gas.
- Enfamil boasts that the Gentlease product can reduce fussiness associated with gas discomfort in one day.
- If your baby has a lot of spit-up it’s a clear indication of reflux.
- Enfamil A.R. is a popular choice to help your baby deal with this.
- By adding rice starch to the mix, the formula is thickened and settles easier in your baby’s stomach.
- Parents’ who use this formula claim it helps reduce their babies’ spit-up by at least 50%.
- More common in babies who are formula-fed.
- The easiest way to remedy this is to change the formula.
- The most common suggestion for constipation relief is Enfamil Reguline.
- This particular formula is made of iron and a special combination of probiotics.
- Not only does it aid digestion but your baby will also start pooping more comfortably after only one week of use.

Another trick to avoiding some of these nasty digestive issues is to burp your baby correctly after each feeding. For all you new parents out there, I’m including a short tutorial to show you how doing it the right way will ease some of your baby’s discomfort.

Babies with Milk Allergies – Which Formula is Best?

Milk allergies are quite common in babies and infants. To simplify, it’s the way a baby’s immune system reacts to proteins found in cow’s milk. Symptoms will occur shortly after the baby has some milk. Some of these symptoms include coughing, vomiting, diarrhea and wheezing. Your baby may also cry which is a clear indication of tummy ache as a result of the milk.

The number one suggested formula for babies who suffer from milk allergies is Enfamil Nutramigen Colic Baby Formula with Enflora LGG probiotics. This particular Enfamil formula is made up of hypoallergenic probiotics and is the number one allergy management formula. By being both lactose and sucrose-free, this formula is recommended by pediatricians.


How often can I give my baby formula?

Ideally, you can begin by offering your newborn 1 to 2 ounces of formula every 2 to 3 hours in the first few days after birth. If your baby shows signs of hunger you can give him or her a little more. On average formula-fed newborns feed 8 to 12 times in a 24 hour period. 

What formula is closest to breastmilk?

Enfamil Enspire is possibly the closest formula to breast milk. Currently, it’s the only formula with MFGM and Lactoferrin. These two components are primarily found in breast milk and help with your baby’s mental development as well as boosting their immune system. This particular formula also has the closest taste to natural milk. At least, so I’ve been told!

Final Thoughts

When it comes to Gerber Gentle vs Soothe vs Soothe Pro vs Enfamil Gentlease it’s fair to say that any of these would be a good option for babies with sensitive tummies. It’s also very likely that your baby will benefit from different options at different stages of development.

While Gerber is more economical, Enfamil is excellent for babies who may already be suffering from digestive issues. Whichever option you decide on, you can rest assured your baby will not only be less colicky but also get maximum nutrition.

And once you’ve finally decided which formula to get, how about trying to mix it in the most ideal way? This is a blog post I wrote on an amazing machine: Baby Brezza Formula.

Last update on 2025-01-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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